Schwing Bioset Wraps Up WEFTEC 2017 Tradeshow

Written by Kelly Kramer, October 5, 2017

The Schwing Bioset team has now wrapped up our largest trade show display of the year at WEFTEC 2017. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth, enjoyed breakfast in our booth, or sent one of your contacts our way. We were able to meet with friends and customers, new and old, to discuss existing and potential projects. Here are our highlights from the show. 

An overall integrated phosphate management plan is an important component of a wastewater plant’s operations.  As new regulations come into effect requiring wastewater plants to lower their phosphorus discharges, it is becoming increasingly clear that new ways of thinking about and managing phosphorus will be necessary.  These new solutions will also address the common issue of struvite formation that create mechanical failures and maintenance issues within the plants, which increase O&M expenditures.

Schwing Bioset’s Chuck Wanstrom was honored to lead a mobile session presentation during the 2017 WEFTEC exhibition, discussing current technologies available to wastewater facilities to address these issues. Included were methods to solve plant-specific issues associated with phosphorus to prevent nuisance struvite scaling, improve the diminished dewatering performance associated with biological phosphorus removal, and reduce phosphorus return loads within the plant. To learn more about how Schwing Bioset can help alleviate issues resulting from phosphorus in your plant, please view this page or contact us.

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If we weren’t able to connect at the show and you’d like more information about Schwing Bioset or our products, please feel free to contact us with questions or download our brochures and application reports.

We hope to see you at one of our upcoming shows! 


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