Posted by Kelly Kramer
At wastewater plants utilizing anaerobic digestion, Struvite commonly forms and creates issues with pipes clogging and equipment being damaged as a result of scaling. Additionally, tanks can accumulate Struvite, which requires periodic removal and creates an additional expense to plant operations.
Schwing Bioset’s Nutrient recovery system recovers Ortho Phosphate and Ammonia Nitrogen from wastewater while offering great benefits to the treatment plant, not only by significantly reducing phosphorus in the waste stream, but also preventing unwanted scaling and accumulations, and creating a valuable end product. The phosphorus forms a stable Struvite crystal that can be marketed and sold for beneficial reuse, thus keeping excess phosphorus out of the local waterways and helping close the phosphorus recycling loop.
The article, “The Six Natural Resources Most Drained by Our 7 Billion People,” posted on The Guardian, discusses phosphorus and provides a resourceful link to learn more about this essential nutrient and it’s role in food production.
To learn more about how Schwing Bioset can help your plant with Nutrient Management, visit our website, call us at (715) 247-3433, or email us at
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