In 1996 the City of Los Angeles competitively bid six large piston pumps each for conveying 100 gpm of biosolids at the Hyperion WWTP. The biosolids are dewatered to an average of 32% dry solids content with required operating pressures up to 1,200 psi. Whereas, Schwing Bioset, Inc. was not the low bidder, we were not awarded the contract.
The city experienced perpetual issues with the reliability of the pumps supplied by the low bidder affecting their ability to operate on their desired schedule. After several unsuccessful years of trying to work out the issues with the low cost bidders equipment, the plant made the decision to abandon that equipment and replace it with equipment manufactured by Schwing Bioset.
About Schwing Bioset, Inc.
Schwing Bioset’s mission is simple, to become the market leader in the biosolids and beneficial reuse industry. Their team of professionals has the skill and experience necessary to develop material handling solutions tailored toward the specific needs of their customers.

Contact us today to learn how Schwing Bioset can help your operation, or visit our website to read more about our products and solutions.
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