Published in Paragould Daily Press, August 2020
Thanks to a newly completed $5.15 million biosolids plant, not all the waste at Paragould Light, Water and Cable’s Wastewater Treatment Plant is actually going to waste.
“We send out two 12-[cubic] yard trucks of biosolids a day, Monday through Thursday,” said plant Operations Manager David Romine on Monday.
Romine said the biosolids, a byproduct of wastewater treatment and processed by the plant’s new Schwing Bioset equipment, go out to area farmers at a cost to them of $5 a cubic yard delivered, such that a fully loaded truck would cost $60.
In addition, the new equipment enables a savings of about $100,000 a year on the cost to operate and maintain the equipment, compared to the old system.
The Schwing Bioset system enables sludge produced to receive a rating of Class A EQ biosolid under the EPA 40 CFR 503 regulation. “The EQ means it’s ‘exceptional quality,’” Romine said, “which means you don’t have to do anything special in order to use it anywhere [as fertilizer].”
Click here to read the full article in the Pargould Daily Press
The Bioset Process allows the product to be used as a fertilizer under regulation for Class A EQ. Pictured is the Bioset unit, dewatering screw presses, piston pump, and truck loading operation.