¿Dónde deberían ir las "cosas" - Parte 2


Escrito por Scott Springer, Director de Ventas y Marketing, Schwing Bioset, Inc.

29 de mayo de 2015

Not in My Back Yard vs Solutions: una discusión abierta sobre la eliminación o reutilización de biosólidos

Going back to the previous blog post discussing disposal or re-use of Biosolids, again, some of the environmentalists claim that the current US Government regulations (EPA Part 503) on Biosolids is either outdated based on the chemicals in today’s world or that there is an EPA conspiracy to hide the scientific facts from the public, and that somehow, the operators, equipment, and services people are behind it.  When Schwing Bioset posts on the subject, the reply from others is often that we only care about $$$ and profits at the expense of the health of people, animals, etc.

Schwing Bioset normalmente responde de esta manera:

If there is or was a conspiracy, Schwing Bisoet has never been part of it.  I realize that the suppliers and solution providers are easy targets, because we are accessible, but any anger should really be directed at the Government agencies in charge.
Si las regulaciones están realmente desactualizadas, entonces el esfuerzo ambientalista debe ser cambiar las leyes, no atacar a las personas y empresas que están siguiendo las leyes actuales.
Also, I am not naive to believe that there are no companies out there with less than perfect ethics.  There are documented incidents of some service providers dumping sludge (treated or untreated) where they should not to scam profits.  I agree that there should be anger against these types of companies, but please don’t lump us all into that category.  There are a lot of good people and companies in this industry that want to provide a better world for all of us.  And this is business, even the good people need to make a fair profit in order to continue developing new and better solutions.


Schwing Bioset’s Bioset Process achieves Class ‘AA’ Biosolids via the time vs. temperature equation and pH adjustment per the EPA 503 regulations.  From start-up to shut-down, the Bioset Process remains an easy to operate system that is reliable, clean (enclosed), and odor controlled.  With ever-rising energy costs, the Bioset Process stands out as an economical method to producing Class ‘AA’ Biosolids.

Si tiene preguntas o más información sobre los biosólidos o nuestro proceso de bioconjunto, deje un comentario en esta publicación de blog y nos aseguraremos de responderle o comunicarnos con usted, o enviar un correo electrónico a marketing@schwingbioset.com.