También deshidratamos plantas de agua - Parte uno Lodo férrico


Escrito por Tom Welch, 7 de julio de 2015

Although primarily thought of as a technology for dewatering in wastewater plants, Schwing Bioset’s screw press has also been successfully applied in water plants.  We recently completed an installation of a screw press at the Davidson Water (ferric sludge) water treatment plant.

Eche un vistazo a la primera parte de un artículo de dos partes sobre la aplicación exitosa de la tecnología de prensa de tornillo de Schwing Bioset en lodos férricos y de alumbre generados por plantas de tratamiento de agua.

Davidson Water, Inc. is located in Lexington, North Carolina, and is a large membership cooperative with a plant capacity of 35 million gallons per day.  Upon successful pilot trials, Davidson Water selected the Schwing Bioset FSP 602 machine for dewatering its full scale operations.  They are now running at about 85% throughput and obtaining 27-30% solids, with greater than 95% capture rate and less than 20 pounds of active polymer per ton.  Recent operating conditions have achieved dry solids contents as high as 38%!

Davidson Water’s current operations are surpassing the performance demonstrated during on-site pilot trials that were completed almost two years ago and are exceeding their expectations.  Take a look at the photos below of the Davidson Water installation, which show the simple set-up and exceptional performance.

Estén atentos a la segunda parte de 'También deshidratamos las plantas de agua' sobre la deshidratación del lodo de alumbre para una planta de tratamiento de agua en Carolina del Sur.

Para ver el video de la prensa de tornillo en acción u obtener más información al respecto, comuníquese con un gerente de ventas regional de Schwing Bioset, llame al 715.247.3433, envíe un correo electrónico marketing@schwingbioset.com, y / o visite nuestro sitio web aquí: Prensas de tornillo SBI.


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