Publicado el 14 de abril de 2015 (Somerset, WI)
Schwing Bioset, Inc. has completed another successful Beneficial Reuse installation. The City of Immokalee, Florida, chose Schwing Bioset to provide not only its Best in Class equipment, but design and build capabilities as well.
The heart of the system is the patented Bioset process and reactor that converts raw sludge into Class AA Biosolids, making it ready for easy land application. Licensed as a fertilizer in the state of Florida, the Class AA product produced by the Bioset process is a highly marketable and sought after product. Millions of tons have been produced and beneficially reused by the Bioset process.
Aprovechando algunos de los otros productos de alta calidad que ofrece Schwing Bioset, Immokalee integró su bomba de pistón doble y prensa de tornillo de deshidratación en su diseño.
The Immokalee Water & Sewer District Executive Director, Eva Deyo, is very pleased with the system. “The project came in under budget and went from concept to completion much quicker than other options. As promised, the Schwing Bioset solution has proven to be easy to operate for our staff and very cost effective to operate, and the end product is exceptional,” said Deyo.
Schwing Bioset Regional Sales Manager, Tom Welch, is thrilled with the results of the project. “The City of Immokalee was tremendous to work with throughout the entire process. Their vision and understanding of the value that the Schwing Bioset solution offered was evident throughout. They realized after investigating numerous options that you don’t have to break the bank to get state-of-the-art technology,” said Welch.
“The experience of our Design, Engineering, and Project Management Teams has really shown during the execution of this fast track project. The Schwing Bioset Team has executed on well over $150M in projects, with 2015 proving to be our biggest year ever,” said Tom Anderson, Owner and President of Schwing Bioset.
Acerca de Schwing Bioset
Durante más de 25 años, Schwing Bioset ha estado ayudando a los clientes de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, minas y generación de energía mediante la ingeniería de soluciones de manejo de materiales. Las soluciones de ingeniería personalizada de Schwing Bioset se pueden encontrar en cientos de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales en América del Norte, así como en minas y túneles en todo el mundo.
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